The “Roci” is a Martian Congressional Republic Navy (MCRN) Corvette Class, light fast-attack ship and home for James Holden and his crew on Syfy tv show The Expanse. The Corvette class ships are the smallest ships in the Martian navy that have an Epstein drive. This picture is a cutaway showing the various compartments of the craft. If you have read any of the Expanse novels, you would know that the spacecraft is extremely tough and can both give and take a beating. The third season will air in late 2018.2018. Image from The Expanse Wiki.

“Violence is what people do when they run out of good ideas. It’s attractive because it’s simple, it’s direct, it’s almost always available as an option. When you can’t think of a good rebuttal for your opponent’s argument, you can always punch them in the face.”  ~ James S.A. Corey, Abaddon’s Gate