The Mass Effect series may be the subject of legend now that no more original content will be produced, but that has not slowed down the creation of exceptional fan art. The first image by the talented DA artist EvilLilMonk, is titled “Be Careful of the Darkness” and really captures the essence of Shepard with a wonderful mix of light and colors. Expertly done! The next two FemShep images picture the commander in a sexy bikini top and running through a field of sunflowers. The three different artists select a different approach depicting Shepard Commander and the results are phenomenal.


Sexy FemShep Pin-Up by DA artist CorruptTemplar

Nice job on this sexy Pin-Up of FemShep wearing an N7 bikini top. DA artist CorruptTemplar really brings the commander into the real world with this outstanding portrayal.


Beautiful masterpiece portraying Mass Effect's FemShep running through a field of sunflowers to attack a Reaper.

The internets are awash in brilliant FemShep fan art, but this one by Kayla Marquez, AKA the-Orator, certainly stands out in the crowd. It’s my favorite without a doubt!