Mass Effect 3 EDI Ready for battle

EDI Rocks as the Unshackled AI Squadmate in Mass Effect 3

EDI – which stands for Enhanced Defense Intelligence – becomes a fully functional crew member in Mass Effect 3. EDI commandeers the sexy android body of a Cerberus mole named Doctor Eva Core after Shepard takes the android down on a planet side mission. EDI has incredible processing power, a hot fembot look, and she knows how to tame a heavy pistol and accurately fire a submachine gun. Below are four different EDI Wallpapers I put together to honor the new and improved EDI:

EDI Gazes at the Stars

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EDI stretches onboard the Normandy

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Sexy Montage of EDI from Mass Effect 3

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Montage of EDI and Shepard on the Salarian homeworld Sur'Kesh

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Make sure to assign EDI to the geth dreadnought mission on the Far Rim. EDI is horrified and upset after what she sees happen to Legion. Her character really makes you think about the relationship between organics and synthetic life forms – a plot element crucial to the Mass Effect Trilogy. EDI believes, for example, that Commander Shepard would sacrifice her over Joker just because Joker is a synthetic life form. If you read my previous post on the suicide of Tali you will see what happened to me on this very question. I really liked the character Legion and sided with him during the space battle taking place over Rannoch. When I allowed Legion to upload the sanitized Reaper code it allowed the Geth to wipe out the entire Quarian fleet and Tali kills herself. I was crushed. I had to go back and replay it and this time I killed legion myself with a round to his central processing unit. The Geth race is then destroyed with inpunity. I found that even though Tali is not human – she is an organic life form – and as such I felt duty bound to side with her and save her life and the lives of her organic race.

EDI’s statement that Shepard would choose to save an organic over a synthetic life if the dilemma presented itself was absolutely true. I tried it the other way and just could not live with the decision.  I lost a night’s sleep tossing and turning as I wrestled with the issue. There may come a time when the bond between organic and synthetic life forms is just as the strong as the bond between organics but that is some time off.

Or is it? Mankind is already debating the issues and androids will undoubtedly be introduced and begin mingling with the organic populace. Academics in New Zeland are predicting that by 2015 prostitutes will be replaced with android sexbots. Japanese companies are getting better and better every year with their robotic creations. Space travel will eventually be here also. I am not talking about circling the earth or the moon – I am talking about taking off to the stars to spread humanity throughout the cosmos. What happens if there is a problem with the core drive and it becomes necessary to jettison a person / android?  Who do you space: The sexy Fembot or the sweaty crewman from Deck 3?

When I first saw EDI in Mass Effect 3 I instantly thought of the female android Hel from the 1927 German Science Fiction film Metropolis:

The two Gynoids EDI from Mass Effect 3 and Hel from the 1927 film Metropolis

Blarg Hunter: Norfkin World News