20 08, 2017

The Grid by Oliver Wetter

By |2018-01-09T11:15:03-07:00August 20, 2017|Images, Sci-Fi, Sci-Fi Fantasy|Comments Off on The Grid by Oliver Wetter

The Grid by Oliver Wetter, AKA Fantasio, was created as a part of his Android Legacy series. The artwork was a collaborative effort with the artists Gianna Vlachou and Louis Konstantinou.

Evolution moves towards greater complexity, greater elegance, greater knowledge, greater intelligence, greater beauty, greater creativity, and greater levels of subtle attributes such as love. In every monotheistic tradition, God is likewise described as all of these qualities, only without limitation: infinite knowledge, infinite intelligence, infinite beauty, infinite creativity, infinite love, and so on. Of course, even the accelerating growth of evolution never achieves an infinite level, but as it explodes exponentially it certainly moves rapidly in that direction. So evolution moves inexorably towards this conception of God, although never quite reaching this ideal. We can regard, therefore, the freeing of our thinking from the severe limitations of its biological form to be an essentially spiritual undertaking. ~ Ray Kurzweil

28 04, 2017

Winter Planet by Sandra Duchiewicz

By |2018-01-09T11:18:11-07:00April 28, 2017|Images, Sci-Fi, Sci-Fi Fantasy|Comments Off on Winter Planet by Sandra Duchiewicz

Greetings from the Winter Planet by Sandra Duchiewicz, the Lead Concept Artist at Creative Assembly. A great artist and a lover of scarfs. When commenting on this artwork, Sandra said: “When you go explore winter planets, don’t forget your fav wool scarf.”

In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer. Albert Camus

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