Rana McAnear is the beautiful model Bioware picked to be the face of Samara in ME 2 and 3.

Without a doubt Samara was my favorite character in the second part of the Mass Effect Trilogy. In Hebrew Samara translates to guardian or guard which perfectly describes Samara as she is an Asari Justicar that has sworn to wander Asari space fighting injustice and protecting the victimized.

When I was picking my crew for the final assaultĀ on the Collector base there was no doubt in my mind of Samara’s abilities and I knew for certain that she would protect my group when making the final push!

Rana has a Facebook page dedicated to her Samara character located here and more information on her to include additional modeling photographs can be found on her Model Mayhem page by clicking here. On her Facebook site Rana is currently offering signed pictures of her dressed in her Mass Effect cosplay costume. There is every indication that Rana is a wonderful person so if you are not going to the San Diego Comic Convention this July 12th through the 15th purchase a signed copy directly from her via her Facebook Page. Hold the line!

Rana McAnear – Photo by Keith Wilke


Samara Face shot from Mass Effect 2


Composite of Rana McAnear and her Mass Effect 2 character Samara.

Find peace in the embrace of the goddess. . . .