Three hot Ashley Williams Wallpapers sporting the super sexy new look Ash has in Mass Effect 3. If you choose to romance Ashley the bond between Ash and Shepard is a rock solid. At the end Ash holds Shepard tight and tells him she does not want him to go into battle this time. “I love you” she tells him. Shepard tells her that he loves her too and then states “let’s get it done and go home.” She answers in a very shaky voice “aye aye captain.” In my first play through of ME3 they both die shortly after this scene. For me it was an emotional ending to an outstanding trilogy. As sad as this ending was for me I really did not expect – as my 9 year old daughter would would say – an ending with pink fuzzy unicorns dancing on rainbows in a land where even alligators don’t bite. Victory often comes at a very high price.


Combat veteran Ashley Williams looking pensive in ME3. Click for full size image.


Ashley Williams with a burning UT-47 Kodiak Drop Shuttle in the background. Click for full size image.


Ash from Mass Effect 3. Click for full size image.


Ashley: Huh. Nobody died.
Kaiden: I could shoot someone if it would make you feel better.
Ashley: Nah, I’m good.

 ~ Elevator conversation from Mass Effect 1